“The Subject Results of 3,845 candidates have been cancelled for sending foreign material into the examination hall. The Entire Results of 518 candidates have been cancelled for sending mobile phones into the examination hall,” a statement signed by the Head of Public Affairs at the West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Mrs. Agnes Teye-Cudjoe said.
The statement continued to say “the Entire Results of 117 candidates have been withheld pending the conclusion of investigations into alleged cases of impersonation detected during the examination. The scripts of candidates from 179 schools in certain subjects are being scrutinised for reported cases of collusion. The withheld results of candidates may be cancelled or released based on the outcome of the investigations.”
Meanwhile, WAEC is cautioning parents against falling for scammers who promise to change the results of students for specified fees.
“The Council is cautioning all stakeholders, especially candidates, to be on the alert and not fall prey to the activities of scammers who promise to upgrade results for a fee. Candidates are to note that all WAEC results are secured and can be authenticated using the results verification system or by downloading the WAECQR Code. Institutions are also urged to always verify results presented to them to expose incidents of forgery.”
Source: A1radioonline.com|101.1MHz|Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith|Ghana