A devastating incident has plunged residents of the Kurugu community into mourning. The heart-wrenching event involved the loss of a young life, that of 6-year-old primary one pupil, Master Emmanuel Atingane Amaalba.
Emmanuel drowned in the Zorko River, a perennial source of death for Kurugu, Zorko, and Sumbrugu communities.
Reports indicate that Emmanuel accompanied his elder brother and other children for a fishing expedition at the river. His father, Daniel Amaalba, revealed that Emmanuel, despite his young age, followed his brother to the riverside. His elder siblings, unaware of his presence, fished while he observed. Tragically, Emmanuel slipped into the water unnoticed, leading to his fatal drowning.
Emmanuel’s family and the entire community have been left devastated by this loss, especially considering it was not the rainy season, when the river is typically perilous. Mr. Adamu Asaah, the assembly member of the Kurugu Electoral Area, explained that a specific point in the river, vital for irrigation during the dry season, inadvertently attracts children for fishing expeditions, putting their lives at risk.
Hon. Asaah also highlighted a long-standing issue: the recurring tragedies caused by drowning in the Zorko River. Over the years, the community has witnessed numerous deaths, often during the rainy season when the river’s current is stronger. He passionately appealed for urgent intervention, requesting a boat and lifeguards for safe river crossings in the rainy season and advocating for an education programme to prevent drownings in river-adjacent communities.
For many residents, the tragedy involving young Emmanuel Atingane Amaalba serves as a poignant reminder of the pressing need for immediate action to prevent further loss of lives in Kurugu and the other communities grappling with this perilous issue.
Source: A1radioonline.com | 101.1MHz | William Jalulah | Ghana