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A.I will create many jobs but you’ll need to adapt quickly – CEO of Norgence

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While agreeing that the growth of technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), would make some individuals in the workplace redundant, Albert Naa, CEO of Norgence, is also of the opinion that AI would create more jobs.

Mr. Naa made this argument when he hosted A1 Radio’s Day Break Upper East Show today, Tuesday, December 26, 2023.

“I think that AI has created more jobs than it is going to replace. I made this argument some time ago and I am still making it because I believe in it and because I have seen it happening. The internet and the dot-com bubble, where people said that the internet was going to take over our jobs, and indeed it did take some jobs, those who were not willing to adapt to that constant thing that is always changing, that is change. So if you refuse to adapt to the changing world, you will be left behind. Before computers became mainstream, typewriters were king in the industry for authoring documents. Imagine the companies that were making typewriters; if they smartly saw that computers were rising and decided to begin making computers, they would be in business as we speak now, but a number of the typewriter companies are out of business because they didn’t adapt.”

Even for software developers, they are not safe from the fact that AI could take their jobs because AI can be used to generate software, according to Mr. Naa.

But the software developer explained that developers can reposition themselves to continue to remain relevant. “AI cannot walk to a client and say that I can develop this software or website for you. So I will continue to play the part I have to play. After all, as software developers, who wants to sit to write software codes for that long? So if a machine is able to do that, then hallelujah for me,” he said.

Meanwhile, Software Developer Francis Aweenagua has warned that the exponential growth and complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) mean that certain jobs will be lost. Mr. Aweenagua made these comments when he spoke on A1 Radio’s Day Break Upper East Show today, Tuesday, December 26, 2023.

He was speaking about the growth of technology and its impact on work and productivity with the CEO of Norgence Academy, Albert Naa.

“I believe AI would take certain jobs. There are some jobs that would certainly be lost to AI. For instance, if your work is to do a lot of secretarial stuff, I mean, writing minutes at meetings and stuff like that, AI has already started doing that work. If your work is to summarize documents, if your work is to balance books and all that, AI is now doing that,” he argued.

Source: A1Radioonline.com|101.1Mhz|Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith|Bolgatanga

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