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Upper East Regional minister challenges C.K.T UTAS to run programmes to meet international demands

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The Upper East Regional Minister, Stephen Yakubu, has challenged the management of C. K. Tedam University of Applied Sciences and Technology to capitalize on the institution’s strategic location and develop programs tailored to international needs.

According to the minister, strategically designing programmes to address the specific needs of countries, such as climate change and other pressing issues, can position the university as a hub for solutions.

He argues that this approach not only benefits the university in terms of its internally generated funds but also provides practical solutions for the challenges faced by these nations.

Speaking at the university’s 3rd Congregation held in Navrongo, Mr. Yakubu indicated that “The geographical location of C K Tedam University is a unique asset that should be harnessed to foster collaboration with our francophone neighbors. By addressing common challenges through innovative programs, we can create a mutually beneficial relationship.”

He further highlighted that attracting students from Mali and Burkina Faso could significantly contribute to the university’s enrollment numbers.

He pointed out that the influx of international students would also diversify the campus environment, fostering a rich cultural exchange among students and faculty.

Source: A1Radioonline.Com|101.1MHZ|Moses Apiah|Bolgatanga|

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