Trax Ghana with funding from Tools for Self Reliance (TFSR) UK, is implementing the “Sustainable Project in Northern Ghana (SPRING) Project” in the Pelungu, in the Nabdam District. The overall goal of the project is to increase household income and well-being of 50 Female-Headed Households (FHH) at Pelungu (Nabdam district) through enterprise development and Agribusiness of Shea and the Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP).
Commenting on the choice of women as main beneficiaries of the project, the Director for Trax Ghana, Mr. Vincent Subbey mentioned that, women largely rely on the shea as a source of finance for their family up keep. However, they lack a competitive market, quality of product, and business skills.
“The shea is a major source of income for majority of households and women in particular rely on the Shea for financial independence. However, women face several challenges such as lack of sound business skills in the industry, poor quality of products and limited access to competitive markets.”
He emphasized that the project will attempt Address the challenges through capacity training, key stakeholder engaments, installation of shea processing equipment and promoting market linkages for the products.
“The project intends to address these challenges through capacity development training, provision (installation) of Shea processing equipment and promotion of market linkages for Shea and OFSP products. Key stakeholders conferences will be organized to link Shea and OFSP farmers to identified markets and opportunities.”
The Director further highlighted that through Monitoring and Evaluation, baseline data collected will be analyzed to enable stakeholders assess the overall performance of the project against the achievement of its development goal, objectives, outputs and impact on the beneficiaries and the wider community.
The project will also promote tree growing in the area to restore degraded lands to combat desertification and influence conversations around climate change.
Source:|101.1Mhz|Gerard Asagi|Ghana