Renowned Musician Kundivi Mahama’s new single will be premiered on A1 Radio’s City Bus hosted by Ital, the City Painter, on May 12, 2024.
Kundivi Mahama, known as Amadu Abdul Rashid Mahama in real life, is set to make waves in the music industry with the release of his upcoming song “Afara’nga.”
“‘AFARA’NGA’ is a Sahel Soul rendition coupled with a northern Ghana touch. The easier genre definition would be what I call UppersLife. It is just like Highlife in southern Ghana; UppersLife has an Upper East influence. The inspiration came from the careful study of the celebrated Uppers International Dance Band which existed from the 60s to the early 80s,” he said.
The artist aims to revive the legacy of the Uppers International Band and bring back the essence of UppersLife or Sahel Soul through his music.
When Kundivi Mahama spoke on A1 Radio’s Day Break Upper East Show ahead of the premiere of his song, he mentioned that his style of music has been heavily influenced by the legendary Uppers International Dance Band, as growing up in the zongo communities, it was all he listened to.
“With my foundation, you will realize that it is all about the Uppers. Afara’nga is one piece that got inspiration from the existence of the Uppers International Dance Band. It talks about how we can unite and how we can set visions and aspirations for ourselves.”
“It is just a song trying to summon all forces to try to make the world a better place,” he said.
Source:|101.1MHz|Portia Dogbe|Bolgatanga