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World Vision hosts agriculture market linkage fair in Kassena-Nankana West District

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World Vision, under its Landscapes and Environmental Agility across the Nation (LEAN) project, on 22nd May 2024, organized a pre-season agriculture market linkage fair in the Kassena Nankana West District of the Upper East Region.

The event brought together farmers, input dealers, service providers, processors, and consumers to enhance Local Value Chain Development (LVCD) among smallholder farmers.

During the fair, Joseph Edwin Yelkabong, the EU LEAN project Officer who read the speech on behalf of the Acting Regional Operations Manager, indicated that the LVCD approach will foster partnerships among producers, processors, and marketers to improve product quality, increase efficiencies, and market differentiated products.

He further emphasized the importance of value chain improvements for increasing smallholders’ incomes.

“Without farmers being linked to markets, they are condemned to produce only for subsistence,” Yelkabong said. “Better markets for farmers can lift them out of poverty. To make this leap requires more knowledge and many actors along the value chain to help supply this crucial ingredient. This agriculture market linkage fair will therefore help promote inclusive and efficient food systems that better integrate smallholder farmers and small and medium agribusinesses into value chains.”

Mr. Yelkabong used the fair to call on partners, especially the District Assembly and other agribusiness sector players, to support local farmers.

“I invite our key partners to come on board to support our farmers. This will generate greater structural transformation in families; better access to farm inputs, technology, and extension services for our local farmers. It will also improve their access to markets, generate decent employment, and make nutritious food available for our children.”

Gerard Ataogye, District Chief Executive for Kassena-Nankana West, assured the farmers and World Vision of their commitment to the project. He highlighted the project’s potential benefits for smallholder farmers in the area.

“The project benefits for smallholder farmers in the area are evident,” Ataogye stated. “We are committed to partnering with World Vision to ensure its success.”

Mohammed Bukari, the Kassena-Nankana West District Agriculture Director, noted the project’s timely implementation and its potential to enhance smallholder farmers’ networks and market accessibility.

Participants, including input dealers, service providers, and processors, voiced strong support for the fair. Representatives from the Naara Rural Bank also praised the initiative, offering assurances of their cooperation to ensure the project’s success.

The Pre-Season Agriculture Market Linkage Fair 2024 formed part of the Landscape and Environmental Agility across the Nation (LEAN) project that is funded by the European Union. The LEAN project was launched on May 11, 2021, implemented in Kassena-Nankana West and Damongo districts by a consortium of 4 local and international NGOs comprising The Rainforest Alliance, World Vision Ghana, Tropenbos Ghana, and EcoCare Ghana, and aimed at promoting sustainable land and natural resource management practices in Ghana.

Source: A1Radioonline.com|101.1MHz|Moses Apiah|Ghana

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