A communication team member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), Wilson Dabuo has labeled the Director of Communications of the party in the region, Issah Sanusi as a corrupt leader whose sole interest is to amass wealth for himself to the detriment of subordinate’s welfare.
He spilled the beans that mountain of promises were given to party communicators in the region, upon Sanusi’s assumption of power in 2018, including paying communicators on monthly basis and awarding them motorbikes, mobile phones among others.
This he said gave the communicators a glimmer of hope that their plights were going to be lessened but the current communications director has only added insult to their injuries.
In a statement, Mr. Dabuo also accused Mr. Sanusi of not being a transparent leader. He said everything regarding the party communicators’ finances has always been shrouded in secrecy.
“…Under his leadership, which conveniently formed the basis of his description as a Profiteering Puppet, the consistency and regularity with which the remittances came from the presidency, the Vice President and the National security Minister, began to witness a dwindling effect and to some extent could be described as a drought in perpetuity. From an earlier remittance of ghc800, it came down to ghc350, then to ghc300, and then to ghc200. In this trend, however, it will take the members three months or more before the latter could be paid. Sometimes, it becomes clearly impossible to find out the source of the money because of its irregularities. You dare not ask for clarity. When you do, he would tag you with suspicion.”
He thus wants the current crop of the party’s leaders in the region to be changed completely.
Meanwhile, in an interview on A1radio’s ‘Daybreak Upper East’ show on Friday, Mr. Sanusi emphatically denied the allegations leveled against him by Mr. Dabuo, thereby urging the general public not to take him (Dabuo) serious.
He said he has been gainfully employed since 2010 and does not rely heavily on the party’s finances to make ends meet.
Below is the full statement of Wilson Dabuo.
Wilson Dabuo writes….
The Deteriorating Plight of the Upper East NPP Communicator, Consequent to a Profiteering Puppet Communication’s Director.
Empathy is the medicine the communication member needs now more than ever. Four years of the party they toiled to get into power have gone by and with yet another term delivered in the 2020 election, the optimism of the plight of the NPP communicator in the Upper East Region is one of hope against pessimism as their motivation and enthusiasm faces eminent extinction. The gap between hope and pessimism is so wide apart that, there is a generalized sense of doubt and hesitancy characterized by the future anticipation of negative outcomes that, it hinders the hitherto unconditional enthusiasm towards party communication. At this juncture, one begins to wonder how we have gotten here? But the answer is not farfetched. We are at this juncture because of a Profiteering Puppet of a Communication’s Director in the helm of affairs.
In the eloquence of Harold D. Laswell, “politics is about Who gets What, When and How.” David Easton says, politics concerns itself with “the authoritative allocation of values”, while Max Weber posits that politics concerns itself with the relationship of power, rule or authority.” The Commonality among these definitions of politics is that every society or organization consists of rulers and the ruled and the commonwealth between them is what is to be benefited. The ruled in the case of the Upper East Communication team has been short changed under the watch of the ruler, the current Director of Communications, Issah Sanusi.
Prior to the 2016 election, the zeal of the party’s communication member was anchored around affection, sacrifice and the strong edge of self-motivation without any form of inducement. In the midst of the rains, in the heat of the sun, and times that a communicator could not afford a litter of fuel into his or her motorcycle to send him or her to radio morning shows, he or she was faced with that reality and the edge to find the best alternative available for the party’s interest. At the time of all these struggles, the current Director of Communication was a desktop employee of Vodafone Upper East Region. In 2016, communicators were promised of the fair allocations of the values of a party while in government.
The Ghanaian people’s benevolence gave us the mandate of rulership through a forceful articulation of the party’s manifesto by communicators. In the glory of things, the President and his Vice at separate visits, took their first thank you tour to the Region.
Communication team had the ‘lack’ in meeting both the President and Vice President at their separate visits. The common element in all these engagements and several other engagements is that both President and Vice agreed to remit communicators every month to ameliorate their worsening conditions. This came upon insisted lamentations. The national security minister also did same promise of remittance.
Fast forward, as urgent as the issues were deemed to be, these stipends were forthcoming, consistent and regular, thus under the Directorship of Edmund and the late Randy.
Sometimes, it is regrettable to say you have regretted in the choices you make in life. Regrets, however, whichever way they are considered must be lessons learned.
Communicators in the Upper East Region have no regrets whatsoever about the choice of the current Director of Communications but rather that it has given an expose’ of the reality of humans with power to allocate values for the common interests. Sanusi is one of the biggest disappointments in the scheme of communicators’ disappointments. Communicators just pretend all is well! Under his leadership, which conveniently formed the basis of his description as a Profiteering Puppet, the consistency and regularity with which the remittances came from the presidency, the Vice President and the National security Minister, began to witness a dwindling effect and to some extent could be described as a drought in perpetuity.
From an earlier remittance of ghc800, it came down to ghc350, then to ghc300 and then to ghc200. In this trend however, it will take the members three months or more before the latter could be paid. Sometimes, it becomes clearly impossible to find out the source of the money because of its irregularities. You dare not ask for clarity. When you do, he would tag you with suspicion.
Overall, a disturbing scenario is the under declaration of the President’s total amount of money by Sanusi Issah (from ghc25,000 to ghc15000) to be remitted to the team every month. What about monies that came monthly from National security? And of course, the office of the Vice President? These are exclusive to the many fulfilled promises by party’s individuals from the Region. Many things come but they don’t get to the Communicators. Many of such promises which included mobile phones, motorbikes and the likes were hidden from communicators or diverted to his interest. Mostly instructed by the authoritarian and vindictive Regional Chairman, Anthony Namoo.
These happenings have been going on for a very long time since he took over as Director of Communications in 2018. Interestingly, in his reaction to the claims above, he resorted to personal insinuations and attacks on my person. I am unmoved though by this conjectured childish behaviour. Issah Sanusi should be guided enough to respond to the issues and tell the Communication team what became of the motorbikes, the mobile phones, the scholarships and the various assorted materials that came in the name of the Communication team? In my case, he initially wanted to give me his own old motorbike. I resisted and told him in categorical terms that it was better for me to remain without the new motorbike than be given a used one. It was at this moment, Sanusi realized his own insensitivity to me and the rest of the communicators. He should address these matters and stop the diversionary act of attacking my person.
In the circumstance, communicators are disappointed, demotivated, immobilized, and in despair, not knowing where to turn to as evidence shows that Director is in ally with some few Regional executives to shortchange the plight of the communication team.
Notwithstanding the above, Director Sanusi hasn’t shown leadership, neither has he the capabilities, competences and capacities to provide leadership. He has grossly become so intolerant and impatient in his dealings with communicators. He is so weak.
In the scheme of things, majority of the communicators are of the greatest conviction that when the leadership is changed, the communicator in the Upper East Region might see light at the end of the tunnel.
Some issues must not continue to operate in secret terms, they only aggravate the situation of corruption in leadership. Director Sanusi has become a self-styled subtle and formless corrupt character. He must not be taken serious!
All Media Houses, UER
NPP National Chairman
NPP General Secretary
Director of Communications, Presidency.
Source|A1Radioonline.com|101.1 MHz|Elijah Beyeni Yenibey|Ghana