For Ghana to safeguard the free press, journalists in the country have been told to avoid acts that could lead them to being convicted for contempt.
The Upper East Regional Supervising High Court Judge, His Lordship Justice Charles Adjei Wilson said the act of contempt of the media occurs when the media comments on pending proceedings, in such a manner as to prejudice the outcome and run down the court and the judge.
Even though the judiciary has power under Article 126 (2) of the 1992 Constitution, to convict journalists for contempt, the High Court judge was worried that there is always “a limitation to freedom of the press” when journalists are convicted because they have fallen foul of the offence of contempt.
His Lordship Adjei Wilson, who was addressing journalists in Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region on the occasion of the 2023 World Press Freedom Day, entreated media practitioners to be circumspect in what they report on in order not to be found wanting in contempt of court.
He stated that the advent of social media and the private press has amplified citizen journalism.
“Almost everyone in Ghana including the untrained has become a reporter, as a result, journalism and media practice has sometimes been reckless, unethical, and unprofessional”, he lamented.
Source:|101.1Mhz|Joshua Asaah|Ghana