Robert Atiah, proprietor of Golden Step Academy, has advocated for a return to traditional education methods, emphasizing the value of teaching students to solve complex mathematical problems without relying on gadgets like calculators.
He argued that, in the past, students excelled by relying solely on textbooks and their own abilities, fostering deeper learning and resilience.
As the International Day of Education approaches, Mr. Atiah shared his perspective on improving the education system during an interview on A1 Radio. He pointed out that while technology has enhanced the current educational system, it has also made learning less challenging. “The gadgets are good, but they make the system too easy,” he remarked.
Mr. Atiah proposed a hybrid approach that combines the rigorous methods of the past with the advantages of modern technology. “We need to revisit the educational systems we left behind, identify what worked well in those systems, and integrate them with new methods. By doing this, we can bring back the kind of education we had in the olden days,” he explained.
However, he acknowledged the challenges of reverting to older methods, given that children today are exposed to numerous distractions and influences that did not exist in the past. While he is optimistic about achieving a balanced approach, he admitted that the complex social and technological environment of modern times makes a full return to traditional methods difficult. “The children are exposed to a lot of things. It will be difficult for us to get back there,” he said.
Source:|101.1Mhz|Gifty Eyram Kudiabor|Bolgatanga