Some residents of the Atulbabisi have complained about the poor services rendered by waste company Zoomlion in ther area.
According to them, it takes weeks for the waste management company to empty the refuse container that sits in the middle of the area.
Speaking to A1 Radio News upon our visit to their area Mr. Sulley who works some few meters away from the community’s refuse dump said “the people who work with the zoomlion in this Municipality have not treated us right at all. We share this container with the market so we expect that for three days they should come and take it but no they don’t do that. This thing sits here for days before they come for it which is bad. You will call the number they have written on their container and nobody picks the phone. It is sad but the services they are rendering is very worrying.”
Mr. Sulley asked that Zoomlion Ghana better its services and also ensure proper customer relations.
Mr. Sulley also indicated that although the community has a place of convenience, some residents take delight in defecating in the open rather than the KVIP; this he said is of great worry to him and other residents of the community.
He therefore called on the Sanitation officers and other stakeholders to ensure that residents are educated on the need to visit the KVIP and not defecate on the refuse dump.
When the news team visited the main station in Bolgatanga, the stench that met the team was worrying. Some drivers and passengers who spoke to the team indicated that the station had no place of convenience. They said passengers and drivers alike urinate indiscriminately at the station.
Some drivers indicated that they have to endure mosquito bites because the urine in the gutters breed mosquitoes who feed on them at night.
They called on Authorities to find a lasting solution to the situation in order to make life better for passengers and drivers in the regional capital.