Absenteeism among students is becoming a worrisome situation in the Bolgatanga Municipality as many school going age youth now prefer to engage in minor activities to earn income to education.
The behavior is also increasing in other parts of the region as teachers at the basic and secondary levels, as well as parents are confused as to what approach to use in curtailing this situation.
Speaking exclusively to A1 Radio the Bolgatanga Municipal Chief Executive, Joseph Amiyuure Atura, noted that the remedy to end this behavior among students is when authorities in education and parents collaborate effectively in making sure that students are counselled and properly monitored.
“I think that the Parents Association of Teachers as well as school heads should do constant checkups on the students. Sometimes a student may absent himself from school closed to a month and parents or teachers will not bother to find out why the student is not in school. Such a behavior on the part of teachers and parents is not good.” The MCE said.
Mr. Amiyuure Atura also noted that Directors of Education in the various districts ought to instruct school heads and teachers to always do regular checkups on students as well as report any misconduct to their parents, adding that many teachers do not seem to care about the development of the students under them.
He further called on traditional leaders to play a crucial role by sensitizing children about the importance of education and the dangers they could face if they rather choose to engage in menial jobs today to the detriment of their education.
The Bolgatanga Municipal Chief Executive however asked parents and teachers to see the students as assets to the region, since they are the future leaders of the municipality and the region.
Source: a1radioonline.com | Moses Apiah | Ghana