Despite living in a technological world, some parents in the Bawku West District still believe that the boy child is superior to the girl child and will not waste their resources educating the girl child through the formal education.
This thought according to some youth in the communities has negatively affected many young girls in the district causing some of them to fall victim to early marriage while others found it difficult to proceed to the tertiary level.
It is against this background that Link Community Development, a nonprofit organization with focus on empowering vulnerable girls in the rural areas, has organized a 10-day training for 87 selected youth in four districts of the Upper East Region.
The training aimed at assessing the facilitators’ strengths and weaknesses as well as sharpen their facilitation skills for effective delivery during the ALP classes for some selected deprived girls.
The training of trainers also sort to provide inclusive education for all vulnerable girls who have dropped out of school and yearned to return to the classroom.
The trainers, however, have undergone literacy, numeracy, life skills and a little bit of English Language which aimed at supporting the lives of these deprived out of school girls between the ages of 10 and 19 years in the communities.
Speaking to the media, the Project Coordinator for Link Community Development, Faara Joachim explained that the organization has implemented a strategic approach to girls’ education project that seeks to transition the vulnerable girls into formal education.
He added that per their data analysis at the targeted communities in the four districts, at least10 percent of the target girls had had some forms of disability which in one way or the other has barred them from attending school, hence will see the light to transition themselves back to school after they have gone through the STAGE project.
He also stressed that, 2875 vulnerable girls out of 85 community groups in the four districts will benefit from the STAGE project for a year.
Mr. Joachim, however, added that these districts; Bawku West, Kassena-Nankana West, Bolgatanga Municipal and Nadam District were selected based on the negative perceptions of parents in educating their girl child.
Source: / Moses Apiah