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We are grateful for the peaceful coexistence-Fulanis commend Leadership in Upper East Region

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Leaders in the Upper East Region have been commended for creating a peaceful coexistence of diverse cultures and tribes.

The commendation came from the Fulani Community in Ghana with praises and gratitude of how their people have been recieved and treated with a typical Ghanaian hospitality by residents in the region.

The comments were made in an interview with the Media in Tongo during the grand Durbar of Timaalug Laong observed by the Chiefs and People of Talensi.

National Secretary of Tabital Pulaaku, a Fulani Association,Yakubu Musah Barry said the Upper East Region has been a safe haven for his people and this can be attributed to how they have been accepted integrated to also contribute their quota towards building the country.

He however lamented about a trend of Fulanis being attacked and killed with their cattle in some parts of the country. According to him, several reports have been made to security agencies to no avail.

Mr. Musah Barry claimed that despite reports of attack on their herdsmen and cattle,justice has not been served to affected persons and their families.

He is therefore calling for a cease of the killings and attacks on them to ensure stability of peace in Ghana while patting authorities in the Upper East Region for setting the pace.

“We are most grateful that this region we never experienced such challenges but across the country, we have a security problem that is facing all the Fulanis across the country especially our herdsmen. We are being killed and nothing is being done and this is what we are coming to propagate and then we thank the region for the coexistence with the Fulanis here in this region but the other regions,we are facing much problem with the herdsmen, not even destroying farms but they are being attacked,killed and kill their animals and take the meat along that is pure criminal,that is stealing”

“Without provocation they kill the animals and even kill the herdsman and they take the meat away. We’ve reported ,it has happened in the Northern region,North-East region,Savannah,Eastern and also the Bono East Region which is our main concern so we are calling the authorities especially the security to beef up their stand among us so that we are all equal to the Constitution of this country. We have the right to live,the animals have the right to live so we are very very concerned about that issue so we want the security to beef up their security network” He lamented.

Meanwhile, the Fulanis are preaching for peace before,during and after the general elections.

“We are in the election year ,we want peace before,during and after the elections we don’t want where by they will say the Fulanis have caused any problem because if you push somebody to the wall ,the person will definitely return back. We don’t want to get to that stage where by if the security are not defend us ,we will surely advise ourselves” they added.


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