It is emerging that Upper East Region has recorded the second highest number of deaths through floods for 2020 in Northern Ghana.
Out of a total collated statistics of 15 deaths in 2020, Upper East Region recorded 5 followed by North-East with 9 and Savannah Region recording a single death.
Stakeholders are therefore raising concerns about the increasing casualties associated with floods in Northern Ghana.
This was revealed during a Northern Ghana Floods Forum organized by STAR Ghana in Bolgatanga.
Executive Director of the Department of Sustainable Development Studies at UDS, Tamale Campus Dr. Chrys Anab said, people refusing to adhere to safety precautions such as not building in flood-prone areas and also observing early warning signs are contributory factors to the deaths.
But the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) in the Upper East Region is assuring residents that pragmatic measures have been put in place to deal with possible challenges for this year’s floods.
Abugre Ayine Edward a Wash Officer, with NADMO said this in an interview with A1 News said, they have farmers along the flood zones to plant early maturing crops so that they can harvest such crops early enough to avoid the floods destroying the crops.
Meanwhile, Programmes Manager for STAR Ghana Eunice Agbenyadzi has been explaining the purpose of the stakeholder engagement on floods in Northern Ghana is to bring together state and non-state actors to discuss towards a joint response to the persistent flooding in Northern Ghana and to develop a road map that will seek to coordinate strategies, actions around the floods and the response has to be more coordinated so that the focus will not be about emergency response but also on post-flood recovery.
Source: 101.1MHz/ Ghana