While the festive season is often associated with joy, family gatherings, and fun activities, it can be an especially challenging time for those lacking the means or family to celebrate. For many, the season magnifies feelings of loneliness and hardship.
Recognizing this, the Bozawi Foundation has stepped up to bridge the gap, offering not only material support but also a sense of belonging and care to those who might otherwise feel forgotten.
Since its inception in 2017, the Bozawi Foundation has been a beacon of hope for vulnerable communities, focusing primarily on women and children.
“We are a voice for the vulnerable,” said Wilfred Bormeh, a Director of the organization, in an interview with A1 Radio. “We reach out to vulnerable people, donating items such as foodstuffs like rice and cooking oil, as well as books, used clothes, and detergents. Our beneficiaries include orphanages, babies’ homes, people with special needs, street kids, and beggars.”
This year’s Boxing Day outreach exemplified the foundation’s commitment to serving those in need. From 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, the Bozawi team carried out a series of heartwarming activities across several locations. Their journey began at Our Mother of Mercy Babies’ Home in Sirigu, where they donated essential supplies.
They then visited Timataaba Orphanage in Gbeogo, spending time with the children, sharing a cooked lunch, and donating food items, toilet paper, powdered soap, some cooking oil, and clothing.
Next, the team visited the children’s ward at Tongo Hospital, where they offered food and drinks to young patients and staff. The day concluded on a touching note with a visit to a blind couple in Winkogo, whom the foundation has adopted. There, they shared a meal and provided essential items, including rice, cooking oil, a box of sardine, tomato seasoning mix, and soft drinks.
“Our choice of beneficiaries stems from their extreme vulnerability,” Bormeh explained. “While we’ve supported other homes in the past, these places have pressing needs that align closely with our mission.”
Funded primarily by contributions from foundation members and friends, the Bozawi Foundation raised an impressive 12,000 cedis this year, providing cooked meals to over 200 people. “Although our grand outreach takes place on Boxing Day, we also organize activities on Valentine’s Day, Easter Monday, and World Menstrual Health Day,” Bormeh noted.
Despite its impactful work, the foundation is eager to secure additional funding to expand its reach. “We hope to gain more support from organizations and well-meaning individuals, allowing us to touch more lives and extend our efforts beyond the homes we currently visit,” said Bormeh.
Bozawi Foundation’s Boxing Day message was both clear and inspiring: “Take care of yourself during the festive season, but also remember to extend a helping hand to the less privileged in any form,” Bormeh urged. “It could be as simple as helping an elderly person cross the road, sharing food with someone in need, or simply being there for one another.”
Mr. Bormeh expressed gratitude to all contributors who made the charitable activities possible.
In a world where many face challenges, the Bozawi Foundation stands as a testament to the power of compassion and community, proving that small acts of kindness can create a lasting impact.
Source: A1 Radio Online | 101.1 MHz | Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith | Bolgatanga