Zuuri Organic Vegetable Farmers Association (ZOVFA) has called on government and the private sector to see Non-Timber Forest Products sector as a viable venture in order to increase investment in the sector.
According to the Association, its research indicates that although Non-Timber Forest Products such as Shea, Baobab, Parkia and straw Baskets contribute to the local economy, it has not been given the needed boost as compared to other sectors of agriculture.
“Throughout the study, it was evident that the investment in the NTFP sub-sector has been generally very low or virtually non-existent compared to other sectors of agriculture.”
The group also noted that the sector suffers resource depletion as a result of small-scale/artisanal mining, charcoal and fuel wood production, lack of capacity to add value to the NTFP, the perceived high risk of the sector and lack of access to credit and the lack of storage facilities.
In addressing these challenges, the group proposed that investment in the NTFP sector should b increased and this should be done not only through government but also with the help of the private sector.
“We wish to call on state and private sector institutions to see the NTFP sector as a viable economic opportunity and increase investment in the sector. We propose that District Assemblies should lead this process by first prioritising the NTFP sector in their Medium Term Development Plans.Also, Districts working through agencies such as the National Board for Small Scale industries, the Rural Enterprise Project, MASLOC should identify NTFP with potentials and provide capacity building and financial support to their primary actors.”
The group also proposed capacity building for collectors to add value to NTFP and the intensification of NFTP Resource Conservation and also called on the media to play a more key role by highlighting the potential contribution of the NTFP Secor.