As the saying goes “Communication is the lifeline of any relationship. When one stops communicating, one starts losing one’s valuable relationships”
There are beautiful, handsome and ugly people who are trying their best day in and day out, to make their relationships look either healthy or better still, look perfect. Sometimes these ideas,will compel them to cross miles of rivers and seas to make sure that, they achieve this zone of perfection in their daily relationships, but end up getting nothing at all. The reality is, there is no perfect potion to everlasting love and joy in a relationship. There are things that can occur in a relationship and can be addressed through the rightful assistance, and again, there are things that no matter how many times you try to fix them in a relationship, they even break up the relationship the more.
One may try to blindly disagree with me, and consciously asked; what are some of these things that are “unfixable” in a relationship?
Well, with experiences in relationships and also, an observer of such, I will willingly begin with unfaithfulness. In many relationships trust is extremely important, once it is broken; it can never be fixed perfectly again. There are some men or women who may forgive their partners, and attempt to make it work, but in reality, the broken trust can never be fixed perfectly again, so things can never be the same as it used to be before. This sometimes can traumatize one psychologically as one spent years trying to make it work.
Again, with many experiences and observations, quarrel in relationship makes it unhealthy. An argument does equate to an unhealthy relationship and it’s not a cue to make a run for it. If you block your partner from communicating with you or refusing to take your partner’s calls because of a dispute, is immature and petty. The best way to handle a problem is to face the problem as grandmother will always advise. Always remember that, running away from a problem simply tells your partner that, you cannot be trusted because once there is a challenge you are out of it.
Moreover, let us not also forget about the abuses in relationship either with words or actions. You can say sorry a million times, but once you throw the first hit, it tells your partner that you clearly do not care about his/her life. In fact, you have no love for him/her. The most abusive of all is when you deliberately use words in an abusive approach followed by actions. It kills a relationship immediately, and there is nothing one can do to bring it back, not even a divine person can bring it back fruitfully. Always remember that, you cannot erase what you said and what you did, so if you say things in the heated moment and then later expect your partner to pretend that nothing was said, you are living in abjuration.
To close the curtains, as a person, spoken words and actions tell a lot of what one will like to hear and know. That is why it is extremely important for us as earthly beings to always think before we speak and avoid speaking when anger is at the corner, because once the words are said, they cannot be erased or brought back. Flourish your relationships by avoiding or managing these “unfixable” things in relationship.
Source: | 101.1 MHz | Moses Apiah