The Good Book says money answers all.
This appears particularly true in our materialistic Ghana where the bottom line of almost everything is how much money you have.
In Ghana, cash has become the biggest social symbol status.
This makes many of us believe that any loaded man who has free money to ‘spray’ can win any ‘chic’.
What is love?
Love means living the way our maker made us.
Life is about love and without love there can be no life. Love is about care and support.
It is about putting the needs of others above us to make him better and stronger.
It is about opening your heart to others to give support and companionship.
Love, therefore, is not self-seeking.
It does not delight in evil but protects.
It is about dying for another unconditionally.
Yes you can buy love
Some argue that being financially sound is one requirement for love these days.
A survey in England showed that men who earned above average were considered good ‘catch’ by women and had better chances of settling to a happier family life.
There is a story of a very handsome man who met a young lady in Accra.
They had attraction for each other.
They sat at a drinking spot and talked for a long time.
Everything was moving just right until the man mentioned his profession.
The lady quickly found an excuse and left.
The man had a noble profession but the woman felt he couldn’t ‘show love’ by his income.
It is known that many Ghanaian women prefer men who are rich than those who are handsome, highly educated or popular.
In Ghana, many women insist only on getting into relationship with rich men.
Money experts say everything in life comes with a price including keeping a loved one happy.
In fact, money is the leading cause of relationship failures in Ghana.
Even when we are reluctant to put a price tag on love, the reality is that keeping love comes at a lost.
No you can’t buy love
Some people believe you can’t buy love.
A popular song by the Beatles said “you can’t buy love, but you can buy chiamounds”. Love comes from the heart.
It develops over time.
It takes patience, honesty, commitment and hard work to build a fulfilling relationship.
Love is, therefore, not about money.
In business, we say may the buyer be warned!
Anyone whose loyalty you can buy will let you down if your money gets finished or a higher bidder comes.
In Ghana and elsewhere, we hear of women who have left very rich men and settled for poor men.
Some have married their employers.
True love is, therefore, not about money.
Any compromise?
Love is about meeting the emotional needs of our partners.
A man needs a man who is submissive, loyal, and attractive.
She must also give domestic support concept, affirmation and sexual intimacy.
A woman needs a man who shows acceptance, affection, friendship and family commitment.
In love we give, share and accept.
If we give from our heart, it helps our lovers to be better and we feel appreciated and loved.
Sometimes, it requires money to meet the emotional needs of our lovers.
For example, you may have to buy a gift for your partner’s birthday but if you truly love your partner you will not give in to unrealistic demands.
Money is only a vehicle to enhance love.
It can buy you attraction, lust, infatuation and even sex but true love is not a commodity.
Money no matter how “loaded” you are, can’t buy you true love.
How to buy love
Marriage experts believe you get true love when you decide not to buy it or even look for it.
Love is all around us.
Live a happy life and have high self-esteem.
The more you love yourself the more others will love you.
Be confident.
Go everywhere you want to go and do everything with such commitment that others will see your good works.
Give your all and expect less.
Show care and support to all you come in touch with.
As you open your heart to people, others will open their hearts to you.
When true love comes, you will know it because it will be free.
You can’t buy true love.