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Government launches National Digital Property Addressing System today

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All is set for the launch of the National Digital Property Addressing System Project today in Accra to pave way for a nationwide digitized numbering and tagging of properties.

Ahead of the national launch the National Builders Corp which will be leading the exercise of collecting digital information on properties has started training its District Coordinators and Monitors, as well as District Planning Officers in the Upper East Region.

These participants will also train some 741 NABCO personnel who will serve as local agents drawn from all 15 districts across the Upper East Region to collect digitized address data of properties within their jurisdiction.

In all, NABCO is supporting the National Digital Property Addressing Project with a nationwide workforce of 12,750 personnel to register and tag digitized address on a minimum of 4 million properties across the country within a space of six weeks.

After the August 8, launch of the National Digital Property Addressing Project, regions that have finished with the training of agents will get these NABCO personnel visiting properties in areas assigned them, to pick data in the form of geographic coordinates of these properties, as well as the property number and then tag it with a digitized address.

With this new addressing system, a propery’s address could read; (Property number 50, Starlets 92 Road-Bolgatanga, then followed by the seven digit address generated from the geographic coordinates taken by the agents.

The Upper East Regional Coordinator of NABCO, Khan Wunison Jambadu in an interview A1radioonline.com said there are some more trainings and community sensitizations to be done and soon after the national launch, the regional launch will be done and the exercise will begin in the Upper East Region.

Mr. Jambadu announced that under this new arrangement, the agents will collect addressing information and tag the properties with a digitized address at no cost to the property owners.

“In the past property owners were paying around GHc100.00 to get their digital addresses tagged on their properties. This time, under this National Digital Property Addressing System the collection of data and the tagging of the address is free. The Ministry of Special Development Initiatives is supporting the project with the cost of tagging the properties and that is why the property owners are not paying any fee.” Mr. Jambadu noted.

He believes the data collected from the project will be very beneficial to central government, the district and municipal assemblies especially in the area of property levy collection and in planning of communities and towns, since the system will help them with the number of properties within their jurisdictions as well as their locations.

Also it will help utility companies to also expand their coverage and to serve unserved areas and properties. The banking sector will also benefit from this information.

“The project will register and generate a digital address for even undeveloped plots, so that if a house happens to be built on that plot, the district or municipal assembly within which the property is located will be notified.

Source: A1radioonline.com | 101.1MHz | Ghana

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