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Grant the deaf community access to public institutions – SARON Institute calls on government

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Head of Research and Innovation at Saron Institute in the Northern Region, Wisdom Amegatsey has explained that, the Deaf community needs equal access to public facilities in the country.

He explained that the government taxes the Deaf community to build social amenities but in return, deny them access to same facilities their taxes were used to build.

Mr. Amegatsey stated that, it was so because “we the hearing who are the employees there, (Public institutions) we do not want to learn the sign language or we do not know the sign language so even though we are taking their money to build the facilities we are denying them access to this facilities.”

Speaking at the Ghana Sign Language Proficiency Course, 4th graduation ceremony organized in Tamale for individuals and members of the public who went through a one month training in Basic Sign Language course, Mr Amegastey explained that we need each other to succeed so therefore the deaf community equally needs the hearing community just as the hearing needs them too.

He further called on the Ghana Health Service to restructure how sign language is thought in the health institutions so as to meet the challenges of the Deaf Community in Ghana who for some time now have not had equal share of the national cake in terms of service delivery and access to social amenities.

He therefore used the platform to call on government to pass the Disability ACT which has been in existence for some time now into law so that organisations who disobeys the to-be law will face the sanctions that comes with it.

Source: A1Radioonline.com | 101.1MHz | Kennedy Zongbil | Ghana

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