Paul Agumbire Akapanga, a senior nutritionist with the Catholic Health Services, has advised people to take personal time away from their smartphones and other electronic gadgets for at least three hours a week. According to Mr. Akapanga, staying away from electronic gadgets could help individuals focus on themselves and increase their creative thinking.
During a radio interview on A1 Radio’s Day Break Upper East, Mr. Akapanga expressed concern about the negative impact of smartphone obsession on people’s eating patterns, leading to unhealthy eating habits that could be detrimental to their health.
“Almost everybody has a smartphone, and we spend more time on our smartphones than we do taking care of our bodies. Food comes as an option; an afterthought,” Mr. Akapanga lamented.
Mr. Akapang emphasised the need for individuals to prioritise their health by adopting healthier eating habits and avoiding negative influences from the mass media. He urged people to make conscious efforts to eat healthily, exercise regularly, and take personal time away from electronic gadgets.
“If you can, once a week, switch off your phone for at least three hours. I don’t mean at night when you are sleeping. I mean during the day. It doesn’t also mean that when you switch it off, you are sitting behind your computer. I mean, stay away from electronic gadgets,” Akapang advised.
While acknowledging that staying away from electronic gadgets may seem almost impossible, Akapang reiterated that it was vital to prioritise personal time and make conscious efforts to stay away from the negative influence of mass media.
“I know it’s almost impossible, but it gives you that opportunity to focus on yourself, and it will surprise you with the great thoughts you come out with,” Akapang added.
In conclusion, Akapang’s call for people to take personal time away from their smartphones and electronic gadgets is timely. By doing so, individuals can prioritise their health, adopt healthier eating habits, and increase their creative thinking.
Source:|101.1MHz|Gerard Awombadek Asagi|Ghana