The Bolgatanga Butchers Association has suggested that it is unable to relocate to Yorogo after its initial agreement with the Municipal Assembly because members of the youth within their ranks are strongly against the move.
The Secretary to the Association, Timothy Tembil explained that the Association has had to renege on its initial agreement to relocate due to pressing concerns from the youth. These sentiments were shared when Mr. Tembil spoke to Samuel Mbura on A1 Radio’s Day Break Upper East.
“There is a vibrant youth group that is resisting the movement and they say that going to Yorogo, many of them will lose their employment. Averagely, we slaughter 25 cows a day and these young boys work on the cows. When they get to Yorogo, because of the mechanisation, they may lose out. Only 10 or 15 people were trained to use the machine so just imagine how many people will go jobless,” he explained.
Mr. Tembil, while admitting that the Association has gone back on its word rehashed many of the initial concerns raised on why the butchers could not move.
“It is true that we said that we are moving but we have the youth branch and we have the executives. We as the executives serve as a conveying belt between the Assembly and the butchers. Whatever negotiations we had with the Assembly, we conveyed to the butcher and what the butchers tell us, we tell the Assembly. Whatever you heard, we are conveying our role as a conveying belt”.
“Imagine carting a cow from the cattle market to Yorogo, which will cost about 50ghc and after preparing it, you bring it to town with another cost of 5oghc. That is 100ghc on top of the price of the animal and at the end of the day, you may not get your money [capital] back,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the Bolgatanga Municipal Assembly has locked up the old abattoir in Bolgatanga after the continued failure by the butchers to move to the newly constructed ultramodern slaughterhouse at Yorogo.
A1Radioonline.Com|101.1MHZ| Mark Kwasi Ahumah Smith| Bolgatanga|